A type of warm, brown, trouser intrusion. Typically steamy and full bodied. A rich and sometimes creamy trouser stew.

Contrasts with Suit-pants Souffle.
Tom: hmm... what is that funky smell?
Jimmy: Oh, Hi Tom. That would be my Pants Casserole I've been baking all morning.
by jimbob pant pants April 7, 2009
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A funny term to call your best friend when you are high as f*k and watching nature in 4k
Jessica is over there being a butthole casserole.
by RoboTurkey April 5, 2015
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After a dildo has been inserted into a female's leaky, gaping vagina, and a male's hairy, saggy buttocks, the poopy bloody cum is then baked with the dildo into a delicious treat for the whole family to enjoy. :)
After a delightful masturbational experience, Jenny decided to bake a dildo casserole for her first night meeting Daniel's family. They loved it!

Aftter beating his wife with an inflatable dildo Treva yelled, "Yo bitch! Make mez some dildo casserole wif sum o dem waffle fries! Den fo dessurt Ima need sum dildo pie n sum bloody pussy sorbet!"
by Jenielor Harvis September 29, 2009
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A Thanksgiving dish prepared by inserting and pouring typical Stuffing ingredients into the cook's own anus. The cook then sits in a sauna for approximately 3 hours before evacuating their bowels into a large casserole dish and serving.
Donald: Wow Eric, you've outdone yourself this Thanksgiving - the Kentucky Casserole is phenomenal! I don't think I've any room for puddy-puds!
Eric: ;)
by GlenjaminBibbith December 4, 2020
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A sloppy casserole involves three people. Preferably two girls and one gentleman. The casserole consists of feces, menstruation, and seminal fluids. They are combined on the chest of one of the ladies. It's sloppy because of the incredible mess it creates.
"Clint once gave a sloppy casserole to this chick I heard." - Rynoceros
"No way, are there leftovers?" - Ryan
by Rynoceros May 21, 2009
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A culmination of 5+ people's shit in a small toiler that has not been flushed, resulting in extreme blockage. The manual process of unblocking the toilet with the use of a soup ladle, creating a casserole-esque substance and a heightened smell of extreme sewage poo.

Best served cold and fermented. A Dutch speciality.

Disclaimer: High risk of losing your deposit.

synonyms: #asscass
''Chris, did you just shit on my original Blockage?''

"Na Jukes, but we've created an all mighty Arsehole Casserole"
by ThePooProfessor October 19, 2013
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A metaphor and/or (sexual) acronym used to describe the the oral pleasuring or better known as eating, of female anatomy (vagina).
My girls coming over tonight, I hope I'm having cooter casserole for dinner.
by Jwood3111 May 4, 2016
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