Used primarily by mexican and mexican-americans as a term for home or brother. In spanish i believe it means stupid or some kind of derogatory term.
Mexican guy " What's up way?"
Other mexican guy "nothin way just chillin"
by Robitussin April 22, 2006
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a term made up by a person looking for attention and starting to turn into a nation-wide trend can be used for the sake of sarcasom and can be used as a comment to any statement and if you ask a question and they reply then you may also say the phrase but you will be looked upon as an asshole.
1st person: I went to the store and picked up some oranges.

2nd person: No way!
by COCKFACE CRONIN July 1, 2010
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You say this at the end in order to make everything out of context and suggestive.
Similar to that's what she said.

Antonyms: No homo
To food
I want you... in that way.
April fool's
Dude, I will have you someday.. in that way.
by mwahdada April 13, 2010
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A Religious affiliation of believers for Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance. An organization publicized by Facebook's group application.

The Way Pamphlets read as follows:

He has sung unto us the divine path on which we, His loving followers, shall accompany Him on.
This, my sisters and my brothers, is The Way.

Their taglines include:
"The Way welcomes all new members with a chemical embrace."
"The Way or the highway."
"Three Cheers for The Way."

Members of The Way is known to make references to My Chemical Romance songs to purify their day-to-day living, and to also strengthen their faith.
Cecilia (Pamphlet Hander-outer):
"My sisters and brothers let us pray
For He shall save us from decay
Follow His guidance don't delay
Invite others to join The Way today."

Steven: Um, I'm already a member of the church...

Cecilia: Now I know, that I can't make you stay.
But where's your heart?

Steven: I'm sorry, I don't think you understood me. I have to go now.

Cecilia: TRUST ME!

Steven (to friend): Yo, that chick is crazy. What the hell?

Friend: It's not the church, it's The Way. No man, you're not in this alone, let me break this awkward silence.

Cecilia: My brother...

Steven: Oh my god, you're one of them?!
by Har the Czar November 12, 2007
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incidentaLLy or unintentionaL
By the way, your mother called. She wants you home earLy.
by reia March 8, 2005
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slang for Subway, the fast-food sub chain.
Fuck McDonald's, dogg...I quit! Now I'm gonna go get a real job at the way.
by Nick D March 31, 2003
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