A specific pair of shoes (usually loafers) that one puts on when shit's gonna get real.
Mike: Holy cow!, John just put on his buttfucking shoes!!
Jason: Well, I guess Lisa better get ready for some anal action!
by Thegundy April 14, 2022
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Engaging in anal sex with a butterball (A morbidly obese person) This can result in extreme depression, suicidal thoughts, loss of hearing, sight, and in some extreme cases: losing the ability to feel anything.
Friend 1:Did you hear what craig did?
Friend 2: No what did he do?
Friend 1: He butterball buttfucked Lisa last night!
Friend 2: Ew thats gross man!
by Jfeldster December 11, 2011
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1) One who is a complete tool or asshole.

2) A person who is unnervingly annoying.

3) Someone who fucks the butts of Canadians.
1) Person 1: Sally's boyfriend is a real Canadian Buttfucker.

2) Person 1: "Are we there yet?"
Person 2: "Shut up, Canadian Buttfucker!"

3) Person 1: "Who's a Canadian Buttfucker?"
Person 2: "Hitler."
by CBF4Life! September 18, 2010
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Coined by rapper Bizzare ButtFuck Tennessee is used as a term like Up Shit's creek without a paddle or as a small rural town that is boring. Also used n question form to insult someone hick or country.
Person One: Dude there's nothing in this town but a dollar tree.
person two: Welcome to ButtFuck, Tenessee

Hick: Hay ya young' ins wha ya dog gone stoled my gitty up
me: Where are you from? ButtFuck, Tenessee?

Person 1: He knows you slept with his daughter and he knows where you sleep at night.
Person 2: Well i'm in ButtFuck, Tenessee.
by ColeonBurckett January 25, 2009
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The act of fucking someone up the ass while they fuck you up the ass at the same time, generally the reciever of the initial penetration doesnt enjoy it
The governments moneypenis screws every american every day whilst we stick our cocks in their ass, because they like it that way. also see Moneypenis (moneypenis and the symbiotic buttfuck, though similar cannot be used interchangeably)
by WillofThePersin July 9, 2012
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Fireball, raspberry vodka, orange red bull, glacier freeze Gatorade, and a stone.
Last night was great, we made Eric The Blue Buttfuck and he got so drunk he couldn't remember where his penis was!
by poonmangler69 March 19, 2015
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