1. Something that occurs when the blood leaves a man's brain and goes to his cock.

2. Something that you hide from your parents when there's a female in the room.
"Dude, have Jessica sit on your lap so your mom doesn't see your boner!"
by Vicious Bitch June 30, 2006
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The bane of an adolescent young man's existence. Usually happens during class, normally after eyeing an attractive girl. Extremely embarassing, and when you get one, you'll stick your hand in your pocket to tuck it into your boxers in a futile attempt to avoid discomfort/embarassment. In the worst cases, you'll end up coming in your pants.
Rob: Shit, man I was looking at Samantha in English class, and I got a damn boner, man!

Joe: Did it show?

Rob: It looked like I was hiding a fuckin' fire hydrant in my jeans!

Joey: Shit, dude.
by Grand Lizard Theodore September 25, 2006
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So you're in 8th period english
And the girl behind you is a DD
And you keep staring at her
And you're like
"Wow. I'd like to do that."
You mind sends stimulation to your crotch
And increases the blood flow
And it's another word for erection.
oh damn look at leslie. i'm getting a boner
by lala2341 May 29, 2011
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1. a clumsy error

2. an erection
I hate it when I get a boner in public.
by Light Joker March 29, 2006
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When you're having sexual activity boys crouch expands in length as he is feeling immense pleasure.
Lily:"Josh harder! MORE HARDER!"

Josh:"You're giving me a boner!"

Lily:"Yes you're making me cum!"
by Lil_boy November 10, 2019
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*Bon·er (name)
-Proper Name; Boner (English, American) is a common nickname for Eric Shinn.
*bon·er (noun)
-Vulgar Slang; An erect penis.
His name is Erection, but all his friends call him Boner.
by reflectionpoint January 17, 2010
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Erection of the genitals from excitement or pleasure.
Timmy got a boner when he saw Becky swimming naked in her backyard.
by Frat Guy 2009 May 6, 2013
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