A famous word used mainly in the UK in High Wycombe which originated from Herbert road an area in Micklefield. Which is used to describe a cocaine drug addict or alcoholic or a tramp.

Quote from Mr Paul the BITTY-NATOR

"a bitty is hard to explain really, some people are born a bitty or you are just a bitty and need to wake the fuck up"
"Look at that pisshead what a bitty guy."
"look at shayaan that ginja cunt what a fucking bitty"
"lets get Levvi to attack the BITTY"
by Crissu montana July 10, 2012
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Derogatory term for "little bitches". Usually hot freshmen or sophomore girl who all the upper class guys like, there for the upper class girls hate. Usually the shit.
Senior (Girl): "Look at them damn bitties, they think there the shit!"

Senior (Guy): "DAM, look at dem fresh bitties!"

Freshmen: "Bitties are here!"
by KARL1111 September 15, 2011
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Bitties (Plural)

...Bitches with titties.
Common phrases:
Person A: Dude, I hear you're just rakin' in the poon lately.
Person B: Yeah dawg, the bitties are flowin'!
by Q Master December 17, 2009
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Milk from the breast(s) of a woman.
Bob: "want bitty"

Woman: "not bitty now bitty later"
by Jam H October 2, 2007
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an old grey-haired or blue-rinse bitch

also see old biddy
I tried to tell her that we don't give refunds, but the old bitty just kept on bitching.
by ponte September 10, 2006
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The word a man on little britain uses meaning he wants breastfeeding by his mum

son:I want bitty
Mum: not bitty now bitty later
Mum oh allright
son:I want bitty
Mum: not bitty now bitty later
Mum oh allright
by Calzy June 3, 2005
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