A cheap, poor quality brand of distilled spirits. Sold primarily in 1.75L plastic bottles that look like they should hold industrial chemicals, not something that is meant to be ingested. The gin and vodka both taste like rubbing alcohol, and the rum tastes like rubbing alcohol with some added flavouring.
Hey, are you going to the party at Alpha Beta tonight?
Nah man, went to one last week and the whole thing was a sausagefest and all they had was natty light and bankers club.
by foo_bar September 7, 2010
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A joke, the collective noun for a group of bankers.
A twist on Bunch of Wankers.
Person 1: Do you know what is the collective noun for a group of bankers?
Person 2: No idea.
Person 1: A Wunch of Bankers!
Person 2: What... oh, I see, a bunch of wankers!
by Jethro Gibbs December 21, 2010
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Someone you run away from at the first sight.
Tom: Hey there's an investment banker coming down the street. Bob: Lets cross the street!
by stainless67 February 23, 2022
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breast sex with penis, titty fuck, completion may
include pearl necklace.
Dang dat hoe got some big ole titties, plenty enough to hang a bankers tie on dat hoe!
by Capt Catfish March 9, 2006
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Total baller. Probably graduated ivy league, makes six figures straight out of college and balls hard in NYC.

Often us bankers dislike poor people and other unprestigious things like equities in dallas
Yo dude, we can't go in that bar it's full of investment bankers and we only make $140k a year, dude we will get put to shame.
by The_Rainmaker January 10, 2010
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anyone who holds up lines everywhere they go as they pump most of there earnings into scratchoff tickets.
'Hey look kids, the cashier has been here all along. The holdup is being caused by the witless cardboard banker who is covered in ticket shavings.
by provider44 January 15, 2010
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