39 definitions by stainless67

Someone you run away from at the first sight.
Tom: Hey there's an investment banker coming down the street. Bob: Lets cross the street!
by stainless67 February 23, 2022
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Yes it's a harsh thing to do however, The people who are typically victim blamed were very considerably naive and put themselves in that position.
Natalie Holloway is a prime example of someone in the spectrum of victim blaming.
by stainless67 April 6, 2022
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Very mis-defined word actually, bigotry is not a form of racial discrimination rather someone who feels that their views are superior to that of another.

example: A Christian who hates the Jews
Anna Kasparian and Ann Coulter both succumb to bigotry
by stainless67 February 25, 2022
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If you need and don't have it, you better start singing a different tune.
The 2nd amendment should be repealed in America, until major social unrest occurs, and we need it again.
by stainless67 February 25, 2022
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1.) Republicans and Trump supporters

2.) Anyone who disagrees with progressive socialist democrats

3.) Someone who charges money for any service, such as the rent.
BLM destroyed property on rodeo dr. and used violence to meet their goals, regardless if you don't support them...your racist.
by stainless67 February 27, 2022
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I'll say this, if she stayed out of politics then maybe and just maybe her career would of been fine.
Famous Celebrity: Thank you for the Oscar now lets get Hillary or some democrat into office. Fans: thank you Sarah Silverman we are now going home.
by stainless67 April 6, 2022
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True story; Sid Vicious did not play Bass well then went to Lemmy Kilmister to get coaching and after three days of hard work.......Lemmy told sid: hey uh I'm sorry you cant play Bass.
This one time, Sid Vicious wore a Swastika shirt to a party. cool right?
by stainless67 April 4, 2022
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