Mike-"you trying to get the piece tonight?"
Doug-"yeah i need my dick sucked"
by Doug December 7, 2004
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Yo, dat female ova derr lookin like a piece.
by Nikko February 5, 2004
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A suffix you can use for any noun.. even proper nouns.
"My wangpiece was assaulted by that cunt at the Drive-Thru."
by JayR August 27, 2003
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A word to describe the current place you are residing in; usually implemented when departing.
"Yo Tedo, I'm out of this piece. Holla"
by Wes June 20, 2003
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To have relations with a woman; to fuck
"Yo bro did you end up piecing that thot last night?"
"Hell ya, I pieced her."
by peachy1234567 September 22, 2014
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