To forcibly eject someone from an urban emergency department.
If this patient doesn't stop spitting at nurses, he is going to get the bum toss.
by DRHEM September 2, 2008
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a female who is willing to engage in vigorous sexual activity with 3 or more males.

(compliments of Craig and LB)
"Where da toss junts at mane?"

"don't eat OR kiss the toss junt."

by LB_83 November 25, 2008
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When vapers take turns trying to blow vape rings around each other's penises.
Mike: Hey Andrew! Wanna play Ring Toss?!?!
by Richard Dangler Sr. September 6, 2018
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A sexual act in which the male gyrates his pelvis in a rotating motion while recieving oral sex.
"Dude, last night I gave my girlfriend a seismic toss while we were listening to Prince!"
by Master Machoke February 13, 2009
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When you shit and cum in your hand and throw it at a females face and/or other body parts (ass, tits, cock, vagina)
Guy one: “Yo did you hear that David sludge tossed your girl?”

Guy two: “yo what the fuck is he good at it?”
by Analtickler36 August 31, 2022
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1 Often used in industry, refers to the act of appearing to be working when actually doing nothing useful. Similar to skiving
What've you been doing all day, apart from tossing it off?
by VdiffDave June 28, 2007
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To literally pick up a midget, or short person, and toss them as far as possible.
Sam picked up little Gino and threw him to Mike. "I love midget tossing!"
by Benge October 24, 2005
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