A word that is use by people who don't know the real history of pwned and are a bunch of stupid idiots who should get their words straight.
"I s0 pawned j00!!!!"
"937 y0|_||2 \/\/0|2|)5 57|24!9|-|7 /\/008!3 !75 p\/\//\/3|)"
by g28401 August 30, 2005
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A chess strategy in which one player attempts to take all of the opposing player's pawns, no matter the costs of his own pieces. This is a fun strategy for toying with a lesser opponent and has the added benefit of annoying the lesser opponent greatly.
Dude, I just finished a complete pawn-a-palooza! From now on, I will call you "Carl"
by MasterOfCarl August 26, 2009
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A "Poison Pawn" is a pawn that often seems like any other pawn left open to capture for free, but when captured, causes problems for the player who captured it. Quite often "Poison Pawns" are left as bait.
Example 1: He captured what he thought was a free pawn, but it was a "Poison Pawn". In doing so, he left his King open and was checkmated.

Example 2: He captured the pawn on square e5 with his Knight, but doing so his left his Queen open to be taken by a Bishop.(A much less valuable piece.)

He took "The Bait"
by LoneKiller December 24, 2012
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When a guy let's a girl use him just so he can have sex with her.
After I let Alisha pawn me, she gave me oral sex.
by J.J. Tucker August 9, 2013
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A scumbag, the literal slave of life, the bitch of the universe... used by the government and manipulated into being a little whore of humanity. You have to embrace being a POH, because we all are...
You're a Pawn of Humanity
by bolostud August 29, 2020
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A game involving three people. One person is being spit-roasted whilst the two people on each end play a game of chess.
You bring your girlfriend and we’ll have a game of hardcore pawn
by massivetraps25 November 25, 2020
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