Its when you ejaculate during sex or masturbation.
"Bitch, get over here! I need ta busta nutt" nutt
by PussMaster69 July 30, 2017
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similar to a butterface but used in the situation of a tranny or hermapherdite. rite.
like when ur watchin maury polvits and he has the can you tell the sex shit. like remember the that tranny on maury i couldnt tell she was a dude she was hot like i would totaly do her... BUTTER NUTTS!
by El PresiDante October 13, 2009
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One who thinks Houston Nutt, head football coach of the Arkansas Razorbacks, is an outstanding coach, leader, motivator, and is the best coach for the Razorbacks. Nutt Huggers tend to be more intelligent than their opposites - Nutt Bashers.
Nutt Hugger was coined by those who despise Houston Nutt and use it as an insult to those who support him.
Me 'an Jezebelle just can't stand them there Nutt Huggers.
by Monkus Marc July 18, 2007
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a term used to describe the little balls of shit that attach themselves to your ass-fro (ass hair). also known as stink nuggets, clingons, winnutts
i was washing in the shower and could feel the bum nutts running down my leg.
by ste - unit May 31, 2004
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The substance that comes out of the womans' nipple often wrongly referred to as "milk".
Mummy? can you shoot some titty nutt into my mouth please?

Daddy? can I have a glass of your titty nutt please?

Granny? can I attempt to suck some titty nutt please?
by Albozombie May 30, 2018
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A scrum-diddly-umcious baked pastry, much like a donut but way more umami.
“OMG gurl lets get some muthafuckin zough-nutts they are my absolute fav
by Nigalip April 19, 2018
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