the incorrect abbreviation for independent. it's freaking indie, morons.
l0lzz i m s0000000 indy
by thehipster April 18, 2005
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A person who performs an act that makes them seem "whipped" to their significant other.
Wow, you picked her up from the airport at 4am? Nice one, Indy!
by Kings of the Court January 5, 2008
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Indi is sweet, caring, funny, she has a beautiful voice, and she is an extremely popular girl. She has eyes that could be mistaken for jewels. She can dance like a professional, she has acting skills that are naturally phenomenal. If your name is Indi then I'm sure your destined for the stage. No one can compare to her smile. Her smile can cure the most severe of depressions.
I feel safe when Indi is near, but she is too good for anyone but the most handsome, most generous and the richest man in earth.
by Alexanderthedudeboi May 11, 2020
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In a common sense, "Indie" stands for a musical stream of bands who use influences of different older bands (mostly from the 70's, 80's). Most of them are considered "pop", but their music is "handmade" and they often belong to small record labels. They also express their independence in creative clothes etc.

I think you can be indie in many different ways when you
- don't do something just because everyone else does it.
- create your own favourite style in music, clothes, ...
- build up your own opinions and stand behind them.
Cool Kid: So what music do you listen to?
Indie Kid: Oh, there are many styles I like... i think Franz Ferdinand are very catchy at the moment...
Cool Kid:I think the new album by Good Charlotte is awesome.
Indie Kid: I used to listen to this band when I was 13, but now I'm a bit outgrown.
- silence -

Cool Kid: I heard you are also into Indie?
Indie Kid: ...
Cool Kid: I recently bought some CDs by Adam Green, he's so cute and so indie... But his music is really lame, I think.
So do you want to have them?
Indie Kid: (chuckles to itself) No, thanks.
by different to yours March 17, 2008
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Are into very obscure bands and newish bands until they become mainstream
Indie 'Hey do you like Black Rebel Motorcylce Club?

Wannabe 'Never heard, Oh but I love Arctic Monkeys.

Indie 'You dick, I told you about them about three fucking years ago, go and listen to The Courteeners, quick!

Wannabe 'Okay, I'm really sorry.'
by Stekop1 November 23, 2007
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Music of bands on independent labels. It is often mistaken as emo however, indie music is just better than emo music at so many levels and in so many ways. The lyrics are meaningful, clever and the tunes are generally pleasent and clever for the ears too as opposed to the fakely depressing, nasal-sounding moanings and whinings which emos call music. I'd say all emos should just go kill themselves because they obviously have no knowledge of music.

Cool Kid "Oh yeah, what's the name of that song by that indie band My Chemical Romance?"

Indie Kid (-thinks "fuck off and die"-) says "fuck off and get some musical knowledge. And grow some charisma and perhaps some sticky outy ears while you're at it. But you're not smart enough to do all those things so you might as well just die."

Cool Kid "God, i thought you were an indie kid."

Indie Kid "Just go, get away from me now!"
by ZZzzamy November 6, 2006
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short for Indiana, but more commonly Indianapolis
Indy Racing League and I'm going to see the race in Indianapolis
by Amber M January 15, 2006
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