8 definitions by thehipster

the best movie ever.
seriously, it's a brilliant masterpiece with john cusack starring as mixtape master rob gordon, the owner of championship vinyl, a record store.
watch it.
all the cool kids like high fidelity.
by thehipster April 18, 2005
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a moron.
there are some moderates, but most are right-wing biased idiots who are biblethumpers.
ah, a republican. what an ignoramus.
by thehipster April 18, 2005
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one who listens to indie music, has good taste, and delves in ironic snobbery.
hipster = my heart. <3
by thehipster April 18, 2005
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an idiotic fucker who condemns all atheists and other non-christians to hell, despite the fact they don't believe in one. how thick can you get?
oh no! you don't believe in god! i need to save you, being the moronic biblethumper that i am!
by thehipster April 18, 2005
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the incorrect abbreviation for independent. it's freaking indie, morons.
l0lzz i m s0000000 indy
by thehipster April 18, 2005
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When someones microphone is of poor quality and produces a horrid sound to the ears that can cause deafness and loss of ability to hear in hd
Dude are you sure you got a new mic, you're wind tunneling
by thehipster July 18, 2016
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