The fact of device working perfectly always except when demonstrated for an audience. Something unexpected that goes wrong only when someone else than just oneself is seeing.
Somewhat connected to Murphy's law.
Deal would have been easily closed but the machine developed a demo effect during introduction.
by Ristipiste December 3, 2010
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when someone decides to ban or censor something, and that attempt to make something go away, makes it even bigger than ever before, or ever planned.
dj danger mouse's gray album in which he remixed the vocals from jay-z's the black album and the beatles white album. when emi sent a cease and desist letter to danger mouse the internet community created an intense distribution campaign
by bigposerhead February 8, 2005
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Being fearful of naming someone or something. The phrase takes cue from the line associated with "Lord Voldemort" in the Harry Potter series: 'he who must not be named'.

The phrase was coined by British activist Maajid Nawaz in context of Islamism; analysts being fearful or reluctant to call out the ideology of Islamism as the underlying cause of Jihadist terrorism.
Left-liberals often succumb to the Voldemort Effect when discussing Islamic terrorism.
by StrikerXX August 3, 2015
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The aftermath of a night of moderate drinking, then deciding it is necessary to eat a gyro in order to drive home safely… which has the effect of tasting that for the next ½ of a day after you wake up, whether slightly still drunk, hungover, or stone sober.
guy 1: i'll have a water.

guy 2: i'll have a PBR.

guy 1: dude, its 10am!

guy 2: sorry bro, got the gyro effect from last night. need to get the lamb and a nasty chick taste out of my mouth.

by milkacow July 11, 2008
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When you paradoxically refer the current time, usually shortly after 12:00 am to "tomorrow", as it is still night and your mindset for tomorrow is the next morning but conventionally the day has changed, so you end up in a ridiculous, paradoxical statement like "It's tomorrow now"!
Named after Javad Khiabani, an Iranian TV soccer commentator who made the same statement in a match after 12:00 pm.
- When is the match?!
- Tomorrow morning
- You mean on Thursday?!
- Oh! No sorry! Wednesday! It's 1:00 am and already tomorrow now! That was a ridiculous Khiabani Effect!
by Mazsch January 3, 2020
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Synonyms: Matt Mercer Effect, Matthew Mercer Effect

Matthew Mercer is the Dungeon Master of the popular Dungeons & Dragons show "Critical Role".
The "mercer-effect" is what people call it when fans of the show get into D&D carrying the expectation that their sessions should be at least as good or similar to what they've seen in the show, not keeping in mind that the players seen on Critical Role have years of experience in both D&D and acting.
"I hosted a session with some 1st-timers the other night, they wouldn't stop talking about Critical Role and how we should try to play our game more like that."

"Yeah, that's the mercer-effect all right."
by Vseras April 14, 2019
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When a school slowly tricks it’s students into joining the LGBTQ community.
by pooplmao937 May 25, 2023
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