Something which should always be the LAST item on your to-do list.
by Anonymous June 15, 2003
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Man's way of telling God "You can't fire me, I quit"!
I once tried to commit suicide by hanging myself using a bungee cord. I kept on almost dying. I told my psychiatrist I was having suicidal thoughts, he told me from now on I had to pay in advance - Rodney Dangerfeild
by Supreme Leader of Fucking April 30, 2020
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Feeling the need to hurt yourself.
Therapist:Are you feeling suicidal?
Jay:Not actively...
Therapist:Please explain.
Jay:Well, I don’t think i have the courage to actually commit suicide. But if i were to be crossing the street and a car was coming right at me, i don’t think i would move.
by WolfGamerGirl33 April 11, 2019
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1) To take one's own life because of a)no will to live life anymore, b)problems that seem unsolvable from that person's point of view, and or also c)people who influence the thoughts and actions of one's life inabling them to live for themselves.

2) A drink that consists of three or more types of a beverage.
1) I want to die because I feel that no one loves me and I have no will to live my life anymore.

2) Sprite, Dr. Pepper, and Bacardi makes one hell of a suicide!
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An act of assassination as to make the victim appear to have committed suicide.
We have been told that the investigator looking into Barrack Obama, and Eric Holders crimes has committed suicide, along with the medical examiner. However we all know that they were Suicided.

Peter W. Smith was suicided recently, another body count to the mysterious Clinton death count.
by Berserk 1982 July 14, 2017
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not something to be joked about. Suicide is a horrible, tragic thing, which people like "TheEye5000" and "Stephanie" obviously don't understand or haven't experienced. It doen't only happen with "emo freaks or goths". I'm not defending suicide, nor am I suicidal myself, but I have lost a friend to suicide and all of these previous posts mocking suicide and calling those who do it "weak", etc. makes me sick to my stomach. So, for the respect of all of those who have passed on due to this horrible thing called suicide, please refrain from acting like it is a joke, because it is definetly not.
All those who mock suicide or those who are suicidal make me want to throw up.
by anonymous March 12, 2005
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