not coming to a full stop at a stop sign or running it all together
"nice california stop,asshole"
by whoa there dude December 9, 2003
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To stop tripping , to stop making a big deal out of something , stop saying dumb stuff , or playing to much
Stop flagging and hurry up , I'm really to go !
by Young male March 1, 2015
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A "Foster Stop" is a commonly used term in Alaska law enforcement that has its roots from a particular individual that has difficulty being on time to work. This technique has now spread across the ranks and is occurring frequently. This infamous and often practiced technique occurs when an officer is running undeniable late for work and therefore must stop a motorist to justify being tardy. However, a true Foster Stop occurs within 3-5 minutes of the time the officer is supposed to be at work and they are at least 10 minutes away. Generally, the offense for which the motorist is stopped is very minor and does not result in a citation. This does relieve the officer of any penalties had they been late and in turn has likely made the well prepared motorist that had been stopped late for their job.

As could be expected, this practice is frowned upon by other, more prepared employees who were able to make it to work on time. Any time an officer conducts this type of blasphemous stop, others immediately call out "Foster Stop" and shake their heads in utter disappointment.
(Tim) Man it's like 6:58, where the hell is Foster at?!?

Garble garble garble.....traffic stop....Garble garble garble

(Joe) You have got to be freakin kidding me!! He is 15 minutes away and just stopped somebody. He would have never made it on time.

(Tim) yup, he just did a Foster Stop.....well at least he won't be late now.......

(Joe) shaking his head in disappointment.
by iWitness February 7, 2013
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to quit whatever your doing that is unnecessary and/or doesn't need to be seen done in public; the meaning is related to the "stop" sign, which has cars stop on the road, but if most cars don't, they get T-boned
Cortez: Dude, look at Shelby and Lindsey, the married couple.

Jamie: I know, they need to stop, don't they
by goolp fish November 1, 2009
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Gop stop is done by gopniki (Russian term). They stop people, ask to treat with a cigarette (or some other routine question). A person can be also asked to give his mobile phone, money, wallet, watch and frisked (pocket checked) in case of denying to have these properties. In some cases they beat the victim.
So gopniki gop stop somebody (though they don't like the term, they prefer pacani or sth else instead).

They're usually teenagers and move around in groups.
In English the closest term/translation would be "to racket". The gop stop is just not so well orginized and they have casual victims (who they call lohs - a clumsy, slow thinking person or the ones who afraid to fight back or or resist strongly).
-I've lost my 3310 Nokia.
-What happened?
-5 guys came up to me and asked for a phone call. They swore they had their own Sim card. A police officer told me I was simply gop stopped.
by Loronzo January 20, 2010
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The act of asking someone to cease being unpleasant, malicious or a downright cock. Not just a cock, but an enormous, throbbing cock.
Chris: Dude this burger is huuuge.

James: Like that fatty you porked last weekend?

Chris: Holy fuck. Why do you always have to be a huge throbbing cock? Seriously, just Stop Throbbin'. Fuck, man.
by Supercuntthethird March 9, 2011
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The name given to a person's nose when, during a deep throat of a penis, it bottoms out on the pubic area befor the lips do.
"She could have choked down my entire length, but her mechanical stop left two inches of bare shaft visible."
by Greg T. James June 2, 2005
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