to engage in a sexual intercourse with the opposite sex
fucking if you will
givin them tha business
makin your sex partner moan and scream
bianca: guess what
bianca: bih i juss got done smashing brian sexy ass
kadijha:for real?
binaca: yeah girl i put it on him good!so good that i had him screaming and moaning!
by breezybrown December 4, 2008
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verb. to consume, eat or devour quickly and with intensity.
past tense : smashed

I'm getting ready to go smash those honey-buns I got in my house (i.e. cell).

I smashed that burger at chow tonight.
by NotYourAvgWhiteGirl March 15, 2009
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Accelerating fast or speeding in a car.
lulz that guy is smashing down the freeway and theres a cop right there.
by $ilk October 5, 2008
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A Term Used When undertaking in a extremely extensive but very rewarding AssassinPT Workout!
Girl: I just Smashed a workout with those Assassin girls!
Guy: Oh sorry, what? i was too busy looking at myself lifting this dumbbell in the mirror.
Girl: -_-
Guy: Somebody should call the police, cause i just murdered that last set
Girl: Well, enjoy.. i will be Smashing It again tomorrow.
by GunsMcGee May 11, 2011
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