by Another Anonymous March 18, 2007
A corruption of lol.
by Zephyr Greene August 4, 2007
Lulz is awesome. Lulz is way better than lol. Lulz is a synonym for Schadenfreude and means "lol derived from other's suffering".
by TehCezar December 17, 2009
1. A corruption of 'lol' or a purpose misspelling of 'lol'.
2. An idiotic excuse to do ANYTHING offensive or disturbing (and as such, funny) used mostly by Chantards (4chan, IIchan, etc.) Gaiafags, or any usual member of Encyclopedia Dramatica.
3. Something funny that is caused at the expensive of others.
2. An idiotic excuse to do ANYTHING offensive or disturbing (and as such, funny) used mostly by Chantards (4chan, IIchan, etc.) Gaiafags, or any usual member of Encyclopedia Dramatica.
3. Something funny that is caused at the expensive of others.
Gaiafag: WTF?! A burning cat! Oh God, why?!
Troll: i didz it for da lulz
/b/tard: dude whyd u cum on ur sisters face and then post pics?
/b/tard(2): i did it for da lulz
Troll: i didz it for da lulz
/b/tard: dude whyd u cum on ur sisters face and then post pics?
/b/tard(2): i did it for da lulz
by person over there March 11, 2008
Phil Shuman used this term in a poorly executed last minute piece that was thrown together. It shows his complete lack of ability to perform proper investigative reporting. Many LULZ were generated from this attempt.
by XgizmoX July 31, 2007
by Sean O. April 16, 2007
by HamSammy November 14, 2009