A prescription, Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
, drug that was widely given to both children and adults to sedat them and focus their minds. Not as widely used as it once was because of stigma and rumors of misuse.
Bob: Dude are you still ridin' the spaz shuttle?
Tom: Know I switched to one of it's cousins
by bsol January 7, 2005
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a woman who is seen as a fake, making other people think she has abilities beyond what she can actually do
She cant percieve the future, what a shuttle mutz

good luck with that shuttle mutz, i've been om nom noming on his soul for a good ten years now and i havent a life to taste
by Crunchbite606 November 14, 2009
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The blamed single-point failure of a man's proposed mission to get laid when the real mission was to Premature Ejaculate and cock block his own cock, thereby wetting pussies but never giving them the satisfaction they don't deserve.

This has been said to be the highest zen move of a few super advanced fuck masters. Namely the Oyel Giants.
Whatever, I've been fucking around with Joe since Billy's shuttle valve is acting nuts and he leaves the seat up and my butt keeps hitting the toilet water and whatever I'm just like fuck that, I'm not even going to tell him, but then again Joe's shuttle valve has been acting weird too lately. Whatever I deserve it... I'm a bitch
by Spill Communication June 23, 2010
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A cigarillo rolled with weed that is meant to be smoked; another term for a blunt; like a paper plane being a term for a joint a stogy shuttle is a term for a blunt
We rolled up a stogy shuttle and smoked it to mars.
by stogyshuttlesmoker November 17, 2010
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Taking 2 or more rolling papers and combining them to make a joint longer or fatter
Dude, didn't know you could roll space shuttles. Thats longer and fatter than 2 blunts! You must be part of that Space Shuttle Syndicate
by C2TheFuture January 14, 2012
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An adjective for being a homosexual dumbass that likes to be a general douche.
\"Wade Reese, you are such a Queer Shuttle!\" Said Richard after Wade got caught taking it from behind.
by teh int3rne7 April 27, 2005
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Shuttle slut. The girl that picks you up at one spot for a booty call but drops you off at another.
I have a shuttle slut coming to get me. When im done ill be there.
by HÍGH `~° PRÎEST May 10, 2021
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