A grav lift, or a device used to propel a human or small vehicle, or Grif, across large distances on open maps.
The newest invention of the Bungie Labs, the Homo Sapien Propulsifier, or grav lift, is perfect for propelling humans across the map in the event of a co-ordinated attack.
by Idlewheelman February 4, 2010
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homosapiens conservatissphincterus

A member of the Hominoidea superfamily of primates including apes and homosapiens sapiens. Although clearly human-like in appearance, DNA testing has revealed that the homosapiens conservatissphincterus is more closely related to Homosapiens neanderthalensis.

The homosapiens conservatissphincterus retains many of the Homosapiens neanderthalensis’ behaviorisms and lacks the social development and interaction skills of the more advanced homosapiens sapiens.

Inability to understand complex problems, inability to extend altruistic or sympathetic actions beyond the immediate tribe and the inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy are common characteristics displayed by Homosapiens conservatissphincterus.

Scientists are still trying to figure out how the two species, homosapiens sapiens and homosapiens conservatissphincterus, are able to breed and produce offspring. The rest of us are trying to figure out why.”
The homo sapien conservatissphincterus thinks children should die if their parents can't afford health care or medical bills.
by Father Fettucinne, FSM March 17, 2010
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that ruari kid is a real smart o sapien he only ever posts cringe
by Colinhater64 February 8, 2022
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The Ambystoma- Homo Sapien Blood Principle is a proven law that states that the blood of a salamander can be placed inside of a human with no bad consequences. In fact over 300 Cambodians have 100% of their blood deriving from local salamanders. This new advance in medical technology is a promise for a bright future.
Thanks to the Ambystoma- Homo Sapien Blood Principle, we can use salamander blood to help sustain humans.
by Vikram Chandrashakar December 13, 2007
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A different breed of really chill bros who like to hang out every once and a while.
Speaker 1: Dude have you talked to chad yet? He's so chill almost like one of those "Homie Sapiens"
Speaker 2: Yeah, he's so damn chill my guy
by Abdaleleleleleleleleleelellfun February 3, 2023
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a hybrid between man (Homo sapiens) and a robot.
The birth of a Robo sapiens may be fruitful in the foreseeable future.
by uttam maharjan February 24, 2014
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