The moment when you realize you have said or done something that is a horrific faux pas, as in when you hit REPLY-ALL instead of just REPLY and accidentally send the snarky comment you were going to make ABOUT your boss TO your boss instead.
"OMG, I just sent my fiance's insane ex-girlfriend an invitation to our wedding!"

"Oh honey, it's your first Reply-All Moment. I'm so proud!"
by Sekimori October 29, 2007
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A reply to a message board or elsewhere that defuses a hostile or inflammatory previous post that normally might start a flame war.
Angry user: We don't care to hear your lifelong musings just a short opinion.

bomb squad reply: Some want less and some want more. That's the great thing about this board - there's something for everyone.
by mdamdm February 7, 2009
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Occurrence when a person posts a comment which leads to excessive number of negative replies to the original comment.
Al: Dude I posted that Justin Biber is gay and got raped by the reply button. All the teenage girls hate me.
by buck neckid ALM November 30, 2010
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A one reply bitch is someone who replies with simple words like: "yeah, okay, cool, nice, alright, yep, whatever, nope," etc
John: "My damn girlfriends mad, she keeps replying with okay"
Steve: "She seems like a big one reply bitch"
by LittleDumpling March 13, 2015
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Constantly replying with "yea. No. Sure. K. Nice. Kden" and other such meaningless and mostly non existing words. It is a great way to get even your friends to hate you
Pers 1: Hey dude, I just earned $100 of your painting! the guy loved it!
Pers 2: Cool.
Pers 1: Can you please stop the single-syllable reply?!
Pers 2: Sure.
by CyrinPlays May 20, 2015
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The need to reply to a text message no matter what it says.
Girl:"Reply Compulsive Disorder"
by Smitty the man December 21, 2011
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The ultimate and only correct response to the phrase "cool story bro". If you use this against someone correctly, they'll shit entire houses, much less bricks.
You: I went to the mall the other day and bought the most shitastic pair of vans.

'Friend': Cool story, bro.

You: Pro reply, sis.

'Friend': Haha, that's funn--holy shit... I feel something coming...

You: Yeah, I know you do.
by koicandy August 24, 2011
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