A very sexy smart guy who is good at everything at has 305 girlfriends. He is very cool as well and awesome and sexy and amazing and deserves the Nobel prize for sexiness
OMG is that the Jacob Ramsay 🥵😱😱😱”
by Lanaxian January 22, 2022
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When someone starts a sentence pleasant and nice but then ends it with saying something offensive.
Me:I was honestly surprised by how well you did. If I was comparing you to a fat fuck!
Friend:Dude that was such a Gordon Ramsay.
by LoneLaser0217 December 22, 2016
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To have a controlled yet still completely over the top rant about someone or something in public or over social media. Enter a level of debate above and beyond what is called for, whilst still maintaining that you have not lost your temper. Prolonged and often exhaustive debate which the perpetrator will need to seek validation from others afterwards, no matter how incorrect their position.
Someone made a comment about the election and the guy went Full Ramsay on him, still talking about it now.
by F8twin August 5, 2017
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A kebab with 80 different sources and no bread

The Gordon Ramsay Special
"Friend 1" Hey Friend "Friend 2" im hungry "Friend 1" do you want a "GORDON RAMSAY SPECIAL" "Friend 2" sure.... i hate you.
by Chase u know who it is March 1, 2021
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when a person has a good idea, that will end up benefiting that person,
1: yo im gonna start a business, what do you think?
2: Hell yah, thats a damn Gordon Ramsay Idea
1: Fr man lets go
by noahbzz December 22, 2021
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To lash out eg: cussing, throwing items around and yelling
Vanessa keeps talking smack about me and i swear I'm finna go Gordon Ramsay on this bitch
by Godoffags February 10, 2019
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ramsey is a crowded kitchen,starting with capital R cause the example kitchen shòws as a crowded kitchen of Gordon Ramsay.Although there,s neat!...there,s plus but of warnings of this TV chef and live for instance,edible animals for sub chefs, food preparation.
...just I had seen a Ramsay,why out of the laughable crowded house,out was perhaps better!
by now name February 20, 2023
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