Japanese instant noodles which come in cup or block form, popular with college students (who can't afford anything else) and otaku (who just like anything Japanese). As a connoisseur of cheap DIY meals, I've developed means of assigning ramen a rating on a scale of zero to four stars: One half-star for every flavor packet beyond the first, one star if it comes in its own cup, an extra half star if that comes with its own meat or vegetables, and a star and a half if the dry noodles don't remind me of Play-Doh.
Ramen's not as good as lo mein, but I got it at 1/40 the price the Jade Dragon was charging.
by Xyzzy May 31, 2005
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a brick of noodles you throw in a pot. most people live off of this. most referable to college guys, middle aged guys living by self, and noobs kicked out by their girlfriends.
College guy: Hey, man wh... uh..what are you doing?

Guy surrounded by countless ramen packages: Eating some damn ramen
by somepersonwhohasnothingtodo December 16, 2008
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A term originating on the Internet circa summer 2004; used to describe the image editing of the same photo or picture repeatedly.
The painting of the Mona Lisa has been ramenized way too many times.

It seems that you have ramenized that picture yet again. It's starting to get old.

I think I shall ramenize my picture of Jesse with his quizzical side look, so I can post it on the forums.
by Jesse D September 3, 2004
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1. A noodle dish of Asian origin, served with salty broth, meat, and other stuff.
3. A slang word for instant noodles, said usually by weeaboos who have no idea what they're talking about.
1. This ramen is pretty good. I like how they stretch a single block of dough before boiling it and adding the meat.
by Kyothine May 28, 2009
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Recipe: Ramen Noodles
Requires cooking (1)
Reagents: (10) tap water, (1) condensed flavor spices, (2) Sodium Cloride, (1) Brick of wavy noodles
Requires stove

Price: 10 cents
it only takes 10 cents to eat a meal of ramen.
by Legyndir May 13, 2008
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The word Ramen is used in pastafarianism also known as the flying spaghetti monster religionas a means of concluding a prayer(write-off of amen used in the church)
Pastor of pastafarianism:and so we conclude our prayer today by saying
Pastor and congregation: RAmen
by Aaron Biros August 19, 2007
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Noodles usually in the form of a brick or in a cup. They are easy to make and quite good. There are packets that contain seasoning that gives the ramen flavor. Those packets are found inside of the package that the ramen brick comes in. There are many different flavors of ramen.
Me: Hey Mom we are out of chicken flavored ramen!
Mom: Well why dont you eat some beef ramen?
Me: OK
by adam0793 May 26, 2006
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