To apply force. Usually used in a difficult situation. Can also be used to get one's attention.
Kevin: "This box is pretty heavy."
Allen: "Let's poi yong chur it!"

Paul: "Poi yong chur!"
Allen: "Oh hi."
by fartingdemon May 12, 2008
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made of mazo meal, not taro root, paste, dip, goop
Quit slurping up that library paste, it ain't poi vey.
by larry lynch April 19, 2008
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A Ry Poy Nat Shan is a type of person (also known as 'Ry Poy' for short) a Ry Poy is often found riding a bike around in Auckland, New Zealand at night time, doing a wave dance on his bike, rubbing his behleh while crossing a road at 3am, or alternatively calling out to the More-Beef birds or the Possum-Rodents. He sneezes savagely and should not be approached. Things beginning with the letter P are of interest to a Ry Poy Nat Shan, things such as Pirates, Pies, Puzzles, Photography, Primo, Panties, Pals, Poosies, Parrot-birds and with an exception to a few other words such as Squidgedoo, E Pon Mon Cho (not to be confused with a Poncho) and Minibus Dowlahs.
"I've gotta go now, I'm going for a bike with Ry Poy Nat Shan"

"We wanna go straight! But the bus lane only goes right! But we wanna go straight? The bus lane only goes right!" said Ry Poy Nat Shan as he discussed the situation with E Pon Mon Cho
by Eponmoncho April 11, 2009
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cathy: i usually talk to them flirty if they’re a poi
sasha: poi?
cathy: person of interest
by sol the bishhhh June 5, 2022
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A person who trolls communities using the Rickroll, Stickbug, etc. A Poi also enjoys roasting people or starting fake arguments.
Person1: Dude, this random person just rickrolled me
Person2: Wow, they're such a Poi!
by Gumpoi September 29, 2021
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