A cooler way to say hi or hello. Originates from an Asian culture.
You: Hai guys

Guys: Hey Brittany (she's so cool!!!)
by Zebra Girl December 20, 2009
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Refers to a person who excels at one or more of the following: 1. drinking beers, and lots of them 2. being a generally sweet dude 3. rocking out in any situtation with total disregard to bystanders' feelings, family, or friends
Woah, look at that guy. He's rocking out and he must have had at least 19 beers. He's a sweet dude. He must be a Hay.
by The Dude April 6, 2005
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a very fit boy and i luv him bummin me all night long his soft skin agenst me turns me on n i luv his curly locks hes the best catch eva and no 1 can take him away
hays: hey hun
me: omg i luv u so much
hays: come on baby give me luvin ;)
me: sure!!
by racheal December 9, 2004
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synonym for a gayass
used as an insult far greater than any known before...
Hai Hai is one of these...
by MysTiC July 27, 2004
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Nickname for any valuable "resource" (money, expensive food/gifts, gasoline to give her rides where she wants to go, hot and/or arduous mechanical/carpentry work, patient endurance of boring/cutesy "girl stuff", etc.) that a naive "dairy farmer" (mushy-hearted guy with raging hormones) "feeds" to his "cow" (an attractive girl whom he hopes to win over) in an effort to please/satisfy her so that hopefully she'll feel enough favorably disposed towards him to "allow him to milk her" (spread her legs for him) sometime later. May or may not be successful, depending on how “loose” the chick in question is, or how much she respects the guy’s feelings or truly appreciates/values his caring efforts to help her out.
Stud #1: Yo! Why the long face, dude? I take it you didn't "get to 4th base" with Tiffany?
Stud #2: Nope! And I fed her a whole BALE of hay, too --- worked my butt off for three hours straight in the scorchin' sun to get her car road-ready again, and burned up three of my brand-new DeWalt cut-off blades in the process --- but then afterwards she claimed to have suddenly "got religion" and wouldn't "give me any milk", even though she'd promised she would if I'd fix her car.
by QuacksO August 31, 2013
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me: hai
person: wtf did you just say
by llapis May 20, 2021
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Something a wannabe kawaii girl would say to try to be cute for her group chat.
"hai" or "hai how are you"
by GoatVibxs May 27, 2021
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