When you shit with such a force that it leaves shit meteors in your toilet that when you try to pee them off later excavate the middle but leave a shit crater on the bowl.
"Aw man I mixed brandy and red wine last night and had the meteor shits. Pissed on 7 craters this morning.
by Hedonismbot17287 October 6, 2018
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A bulge so gigantic even the gods cannot comprehend its power, Typically found in a black mans pants.
Man did you see that Tyrone had a meteoric bulge.
I know it was huge.
by Spencer's best freind December 21, 2016
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When you fart and accidentally (or purposely) shart in someone or somethings face.
Me and my cousins went camping last summer right when Justin fell asleep I tried to pull a harmless prank on him. Ending in him experiencing an astonishing meteor shower, and beating my ass.
by OneBadMF March 5, 2022
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The act of taking a shit on someones head after eating a lot of peanuts and having diarrhea.
Bro: "ay bra lets go frodin braaap braaaaap!"

kyle: "naw man, is that a peanut in you hair?"

Bro: "yeah bra just had a meteor shower"

kyle: "gnar"
by ld420 August 17, 2011
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Shit that fell out of an airplane & is mistaken for a meteor
I ate fast food off a Joe Dirt meteor
by CrotchDocter87 August 4, 2018
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when you want to break the awkward silence by flipping a table and setting shit on fire. also involves the breaking of pots and repeating bellyflops on the table.
Jake: BRO! jerry just meteor crashed my house!
by DAMMIOT January 19, 2017
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