A person who has the ability to do EVERYTHING mediocrely.
James is such a Donald Glover. He can play bass, drums, piano, and guitar at beginner level.
by UrbanBulgeShock July 2, 2022
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1) Something Jtizzle is.

2) A nasty defender in baseball.
by Juan Tizzle September 10, 2006
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A gay cunt who has a baby dick squeaky voice and most likely has no mum because i mean who would want a kid like that??
by Streaks sausage August 28, 2019
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the fictional bakery making quality lasagne and Thai curry.
ingredient monosodium gloverate has been known to cause parkinsons disease as well. Also has the secret ingredient tomgloverbiocarbons the secret ingredeint of the lasange...no joke!
Man:oh doc, that lasagne I just ate from glovers bakery was really nice,really well cooked.

Doctor: Indeed sir but I'm afraid you have parkinsons disease.
Man: Noooooooooooooo!
by Ms.Battydale September 27, 2007
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The sequence in movies where a person getting shot at procedes to take cover behind a thinner object than him/herself ie a lamp post, thin pillar etc, and parts of the person are sticking out either side, yet they still manage to avoid getting shot. (as seen in the first Saw movie and several bugs bunny cartoons.)
JP> Dude, how did you not get shot at paintball this morning?

Chris> I was deploying the Danny Glover Defence

by ultrachris2000 October 5, 2010
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