by Remy Rem January 16, 2008
{Jerry, watching the Maury show on the telly}: Aww look at Marisol. She still hasn't found the baby daddy. She's so squeaky!!!
by Telephony May 6, 2019
by whatdontyoulikeaboutme November 4, 2019
A rag that used to be a toy hedgehog with a squeak. Lacks stuffing. Limbs are hanging off buy threads. The owner believes squeaky is a living being with feelings and thoughts.
by Igg August 16, 2003
Get the squeaky mug.
by Stubby Timmy September 30, 2005
To Squeak - To whine continuously about Arty (Artillery) in the MMO (Mass Multiplayer Online game) World of Tanks.
A Squeakie - A person who squeaks a lot.
A Leaky Squeakie - Someone who actualy cries or dribbles whilst Squeaking :-P
A Squeakie - A person who squeaks a lot.
A Leaky Squeakie - Someone who actualy cries or dribbles whilst Squeaking :-P
by Zoe Ballz November 13, 2018