Getting so drunk that you use a rando’s toothbrush that you found in the bathroom of a house party
He was so sauced last night he pulled a dirty Frannie, slapped a burger and then dipped.
by californiaboytour July 20, 2020
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Worse than ur mom gay and ur dad lesbian combined. Every time it’s spoken the sun moves a mile closer to the Earth.
Ryan: ur mom gay and ur dad lesbian.
Patrick: don’t make me do it.
Ryan: do it
Patrick: ur granny franny
*ryan explodes*
*the sun melts mercury*
by Urboi489 March 14, 2018
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A nigga that's a legend at every and has a big cock. He also pulls hella girls cuz he's fine AF
by Aaliyah Apples August 11, 2018
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She is the most fascinating and lovely Michigander to inhabit Milan. She has hair made of golden threads and eyes of chocolate covered cherries. Curious, loyal, obsessive and sarcastic, and sometimes seemingly angry, once you know her you can't but help adore her.

Other related words: In regards to the seeming angry, the verb best used to describe her is, Katetated (katetation). Keme (related to meme). Opinionata (trans. opinionated).
Her name is Franny.
by fluorescentlancelot October 29, 2018
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Hi Franny, wheres your Bowl cut and Kimshi fridge?
by aas1 December 18, 2019
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Someone who is #toocoolforschool and roams around the streets with her mates who still go to school. Every one thinks a franny is not going to do anything with there life but there wrong because frannys are normally the most successful.
Guy 1 - “look at that person walking with her friends “
Guy 2 - “she must be franny
by Olivia Jenkins December 27, 2021
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