literal: element in nature that burns, is really hot and clear out places with lots of smoke

slang: term used to describe something that was really good or exciting
that fire burned my damn hand.

Aaron: yo that movie was real good.
Sandy: yeah. that shit was fire.
by Sw33tNYCandie July 27, 2009
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something amazing , spiritful , exciting or just very hot.
" This song is fire yo!" " This shit's on fire !"
by Johnyolow July 31, 2015
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The "chemistry" or emotional passion in a relationship. The "spark" in such. Fire: passion, excitement, adventure, love.
Girl1: So why did you and Marc Break up?
Girl2: I just didn't feel the fire, ya know?

Girl1: Oh.
by Bethi:) November 27, 2010
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A person who has been given the sack(now or sometimes in the past).
'Did you hear Gosling got fired from the set of "The Lovely Bones"?'
'You shittin' me, right?'
'Neah man. He's a firee now like the rest of us.'
by BCardician June 4, 2012
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A term, used to define the best strains of the cannibus, also known as marijuana, plant.
Damn this is some fire my nigga!
by Stewieee October 23, 2005
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When yelled, clears out a crowded theatre in a huury.
Which Amendment gives us the right to yell "Fire!" in a crowded movie theatre?
by JakeStar April 5, 2005
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