Short for "Futaba on Poemi", referance to Puni Puni Poemi.

It is used as a Lesbian term.
Ugh, Tee was all Fop on Mar-col
by Bishmilla July 12, 2004
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when you fling flap your fling florps
why is onii chan fop
by Carl the autism December 19, 2017
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Plural form - fops. Grown men who still reside in their parents basement; likely unemployed and sexually/socially inactive. Likely to be seen in a trilby, duster jacket, and fingerless gloves. Ardent defenders of waifu culture. Lack of social skills, awkward presence, and cringey public behavior define them; Such actions are but are not limited to wearing of risque anime T-shirts , use of "M'lady", and pursuit of women through means of aggressive friendliness. Warning signs you are in presence of one are but are also not limited to use of incorrect Japanese, excessive knowledge of 4chan, and the possession of a Guy Fawkes mask.
"I met this 30 year old guy wearing a Love Live t-shirt and Sketchers. He called me kawaii. What a fop"
by KirinJP March 3, 2017
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1.) A yellow-bellied pansy queer.
2.) A retard.
3.) Someone with the attention span of a dimwitted goldfish.
4.) Raoul from Phantom Of The Opera.
5.) See Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
1.) Raoul is such a fop!
2.) ZaQ is'nt a fop... Or is he? ;)
3.) Icia acts like a fop sometimes. It's funny.
4.) Raoul is a fop... And always has been, will be.
5.) See Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
by Icia October 11, 2006
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1)A person who acts like an idiot on purpose.
2)A strange sound made by said person.
"You are such a fop!"
"As I said..."
by Slayer April 7, 2003
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A middle class white kid, usually in his early teens. Very annoying. Likes to call random people gay and other words such as fag, retard, and noob. Constantly and obnoxiously says 'I've got swag'. Very unaware that he is a rude poser. Thinks he is the coolest thing on the planet. Has Napoleon complex.
He only cares about his image and thinks he is better than everyone. He is a poser and a fop.
Like a chihuahua, thinks he's something..... But he's not.
by Secular America November 10, 2012
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To have sex with whoever neccesary until reaching a goal of the "top". F-ing your way to the top. Fop.
Kate slept with everyone in the office just to get promoted. She is a total fop.
by Heather j April 3, 2007
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