Refers to a group-hug that you give to both a person of the opposite gender whom you like very much and his/her main squeeze; the theory is that this will reduce the chance of said significant other's feeling jealous or "left out", the way he/she might feel if you merely hugged your "target" person "individually".
Initially administering a diluted embrace does not necessarily mean that you are forfeiting your option to give your opposite-gender friend a "separate" hug at some point during your period of visiting with the pair of lovers; often, this "communal arms-around" can merely be the first of at least two such warm embraces; it can just be what you do as a "hello; so nice to see you" greeting when you first bump into the couple. After you all have finished exchanging friendly small talk or whatever else the three of you choose to share during that particular meeting, you probably can then give each of the two people an "individual" hug to say goodbye, which of course will allow you to cuddle up to your "target" person "exclusively" for a moment after all; extra points if this time you make sure to embrace the person's significant other first --- i.e., before you clasp your "target" person --- so that he/she will not have to wonder if he is gonna "get some lovies", too.
by QuacksO February 10, 2019
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Refers to where ya smilingly plop da bare feet of a pretty girl against yer chest and wrap yer arms tightly around them to press her warm soles deeply into yer chest-hair. Extra points if da cutie also affectionately flexes her toes to gently scratch yer fuzzy chest wif her toenails.
I love giving Tiffany a soleful embrace anytime; it also usually puts her in the mood for a nice long pillow-talk.
by QuacksO March 6, 2019
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When dropping a deuce and warm water splashes you from below.
Installing the heated toilet turned poseidon's kiss into an enjoyable poseidon's embrace.
by crushnsandos July 27, 2023
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The act of stepping out of one's comfort zone in order to experience new flavors.
"I don't know what I feel like eating, so I'm going to Embrace The Munch"

"Let's take the magic stairs to the food court and Embrace The Munch today"
by Embrace The Munch August 6, 2017
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Another word for kissing or mouth to mouth. (It's more fun because it rhymes.)
Oh gurl, you just got face embraced!

Dude, did you totally just face embrace her?
by sharmon August 29, 2012
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A sex act, generally performed in a park, where onlookers cannot tell whether you are eating ass or holding a giant schlong
“Hey John, is that guy eating ass or is he holding a giant schlong?”

Not sure. He must be doing a Boston Embrace”
by ChrisLXXXVI January 16, 2023
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The fondling/cuddling of two significant metalheads while listening to some brutal shit. May include ass grabbing or other sexual acts.
Fred and Linda are currently in the state of brutal embracement, listening to Slayer.
by tdal_adam December 21, 2014
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