I worship Eli everyday for a good 14 hours of my day.
by IrreverentIzzy January 23, 2017
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The best person I've ever met in my entire life. Funny, modest, kind, handsome. He knows the perfect things to say when I'm sad/in the mood for love. He is the best boyfriend, who is also my best friend. Although he is pretty self-depricating, he always manages to at least pull himself out of the slump for me. He is the best gift I've ever received from God, besides my fam of course.
Girl 1: You are so lucky to be dating an Eli!
Girl 2: I know right. He is the best guy I've ever met!
by thatgal9040 January 20, 2019
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Eli is an epic gamer who has the biggest brain in the universe. He is sexy beast and has body like no other. He may seem stupid and retarded but once you get to know him you'll want a piece of this sexy beast of a man. He is and inspiration to everyone and will change everything a wise man once said " I will make america great again" but it wont start with him it will start with Eli because he has the power to cange the universe. His car noises are like drugs once you start you just cant stop, his sfx have been featured in some famous movies because his car noises are so accurate. His humor is so funny you will shit yourself, his metaphors are unlike any others they are like a chinese man with diarrea it just fills the entire toilet bowl. Everytime you see Eli he will brighten your day because he is so nice, funny and caring. He is extremely passionate about Shrek and will provide you with everything you need to know about him. I dont think anyone could imagine the world without Eli he has that much of an impact on the world and universe. He is always there for you and you'll want to be there for him, his thicc thighs will glow in the sun and you'll want to rub your face on them and lick them bwcause they are so beautiful. A sexy hunk of a man like this deserves everything in the world. You'll want to please him and give him everything you can just to see him happy. Eli is an amazing person who you'll want to be friends with.
Yo look its that sexy hunk of a man Eli
by The sexy hunk of a man September 8, 2020
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A person who tries to be a major fuck boy and likes every girl he sees just in an instant.
Man, that guy over there is being such an Eli, trying to go for every girl but can't decide which girl he wants
by BBC for the win January 29, 2017
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The coolest , sweet, awesome, lit and funny girl ever. She is so sweet and kind to anyone she knows. She is one of the smartest and brightest people you know. She always smiles and never stops laughing. SHe is also fiesty and ready to party!
Eli is so cool!
by meow_unicornsprinkle January 13, 2017
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A great guy that loves tits and wants to have sex with every girl. Also has a very large penis that is about 7.5 to 8 IN
Boy1:Eli your not gay.
Boy2:Eli your fucking beast.
Girl1:Eli i want you to fuck me.
Boy1: Do it
Eli: I will at my house
Girl1: ho yeah. Stop it Fuck yeah
Girl2: Fuck me now.
by Helloha June 12, 2015
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He is being such an Eli right now.
by nerd_owl March 21, 2017
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