Synonym to party, chilling, having fun, or anything that includes chillin and having a good time.
Hey man I'm not doing anything tomorrow, hit me if u wanna dance.
by Big Balla Bland July 1, 2010
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An arcade game frequented by people who look like they normally couldn't dance. DDR is--in fact--a form of dance (more or less). The arrows which guide the dancer in their steps face the four cardinal directions and can be stepped upon in numerous combinations of patterns. The key to the game is timing on the techno beat of your song of choice. Some of the most popular songs include: "Dam Dariam", "Butterfly", and "Healing Vision". Excellent dancers are known as "maniacs" and their dance performances reflect that title. Although originally intended for use in Japan, Americans secretly exported these DDR machines into their country until the game manufacturer, Konami, declared that exportation of DDR machines would be declared legal. If you play too much DDR, you will see arrows in your head every time you close your eyes over the course of the hour following gameplay.
Dance Dance Revolution is by far the greatest arcade game ever!
by Arrow May 8, 2003
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can be compared to a group of non-violent martial arts which only consist on showing your moves. These moves include soft ones which are usually used to likes more devastating ones.
I never seen anyone dance like this before, what kind of style is that???
by Arno November 29, 2003
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An adverb used to intensify a word such as good, or another positive adjective.
That was a dancing good muffin!

That song is so dancing awesome!
by zippo364 December 7, 2005
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To act in a way that is pleasing to others to the extent that it requires effort beyond your natural personality and normal actions such that the keen of intellect view you as a bitch (and the sheep remain sheep). In short, to please others.
"You're tellin' me to dance?!"
-Tidwell (Cuba Gooding, Jr.) in Jerry Maguire

"Mr. Johnson, I didn't come here to dance."
-football player on why he intercepted 3 passes to help team win championship

"We called in the girls to come here and dance."
-Duke lax player
by theFlash May 22, 2006
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A way to express how you're feeling inside using your body. Different types describe all types of emotions. Not only an art but also a kind of sport. Easy way to take your mind off of things or just have fun. A way of life.
At times when you're not sure what you're feeling, just start dancing.
by ItsThatGirl August 21, 2012
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An awesome and popular game that combines catchy dance music, foot coordination, and exercise. It would also really help if you knew how to find the beat in a song.
by Ambros April 19, 2003
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