The act of unintentionally dipping ones sleeve in a condament/ beverage/ meal.
Steve reached across for a cracker and ended up with a Sandy Cohen.

Upon checking his rockin outfit in the mirror Steve notices a stain on his sleeve in the mirror. "Oh no not another Sandy Cohen..."

"Steve why do you always have to Sandy Cohen your nice shirts" yelled his mum from the laundry.
by AFannyWinkler February 24, 2016
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Refer to the definition of the word "fratdaddy" when defining this one.

arch nemesis= alex mandel
gay son; steve
sidekick= devan

Perhaps the scariest thing in the english dictionary, Evan derives from the word "whore" E-V-A-N
Scott: "Hey Steve, why are you gay?"

Steve: "Blame Evan Cohen on that one"
by Sugs12 April 22, 2011
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The Cohen Pazo (or mr. Lawyer man) is very fancy and is always wearing a suit and top-hat. He also carries around a briefcase. The Cohen Pazo always uses perfect grammar and punctuation for everything and says “indeed” instead of “yes”
Man: “hello sir.”
The Cohen Pazo: “indeed
by March 23, 2023
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A person who is extremely addicted to Central pizza.
You are being such a Ben Cohen right now when you are ordering pizza.
by Oliver McQuaid March 23, 2020
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Ally Cohens are generally beautiful, happy, and an all around popular girls. They are stubborn, and can be really scary sometimes, but they are loved by all who know them.
Ally Cohens are incredibly smart, and have flawless memories. Their bullshit detector is top notch, so don't try and pull anything on them..

Ally Cohens are just amazingly beautiful creatures. Generally short, but have great hair and spotless skin. Most of them have one or two majorly gorgeous characteristics, like big eyes or chest.

If you ever meet an Ally Cohen, give them a huge hug, and hope to hell that they don't try and kill you.
That Ally Cohen is gorgeous!

Wow, that Ally Cohen has beautiful eyes, and she is smart too! I want to ask her out!
by brknhrtd<3 January 23, 2011
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1. The developer of the file sharing method known as Bit torrent.
2. The person who is attributed as the cause of everything that does not work or fails to function.
1. Damn bit torrent is hot! Props to my man bram cohen!
2. The f***ing movie is stuck at 99.99% and my cheese toaster doesn't work, its that bastard bram cohen again!
by Zam March 29, 2004
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A milf porn star who has had over 300 porn videos. She like to take it up the butt especially from a black guy.
Wow your mom is such a shelly cohen. That sucks hahaha.
by snake693 October 7, 2010
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