Chevy (Noun) A Brand of cars/trucks that that breaks down often and is very unreliable, But some people decide to continue to push them around town. If you have a Chevy you might want to make sure that you have a friend with a Ford so that he/she can tow you home so that you don't have to push it.

Cracked Heads Every Valve Rattles On Long Extended Trips
Matt's Chevy is broken down on the side of the road or, my mom owns a 01' Chevy suburban its got a coolant leak, a idle problem that causes it to die, and the heater doesn't work.
by Brandon 460 March 10, 2007
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you know on a quiet night if you listen real closely you can hear a chevy rustin away
PAW:well ethel it sounds like that chevy is rustin away again
PAW:i knew i shoulda got that ford
by ford lover April 6, 2004
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new battery 73$

new tranny 500$

new motor 1000$

cost of stolen stereo due to crappy locks 900$

wishing it would burst into flames=priceless
my brothers trans am/camero made in 1981
by CHRYSLER MAN July 26, 2004
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cheap plastic crap, unreliable and dies in 2 years. They are loud and weak, made of recycled engines from the 80s. This goes the same with Ford.
chevy sux bigtime, same with Ford, and same with All GM.
by gplpark92 July 29, 2006
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crap cars that handle like boats and have the worst possible volumetric efficiency. Driven by hicks and soccer moms. The kinda car (truck) driven by careless soccermoms who hit your door when they open theirs and/or leave square marks in your bumper from trying to park while on the cell phone.
at stoplight: Chevy revs to 5K anb blows headgasket. Rice boy revs to 8K and blows doors off of chevy.
by toy boy September 20, 2004
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Of Dominican origin, from the combination of 'CHEVERE' (kind of old spanish word which means 'cool' used throughout Latin America) and 'JEVI' (mainly Dominican word which also means 'cool', but in a more youthful way), resulting in a new word which means 'cool' aswell, but in a trippier, more-than-jevi sense.

The 'E' es usualy elongated, to emphasize just how 'CHEVI' something is Cheeevi

*(Note: In no way related to Chevrolet cars, but pronounced just like 'Chevy')
Gina- Hey, ¿soporta cool activity here, loko?
Pakoh- Chevi or CHEEEVI!

Gina- Hey, ¿feel like cool activity here, dude?
Pakoh- Chevi or CHEEEVI!
by pakoh September 3, 2005
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