(n) College Dick Sucker; someone who is willing to do anything and everything for college
I respect getting into good colleges, but that guy is just a total CDS
by Toilet Mike April 15, 2016
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"Cold, Dark, Suck," also heard as "Cold, Dark, Snow," is the time when winter begins to manifest itself with reduced daylight and colder temperatures. The darkness is particularly noticeable the first day Daylight Saving Time ends.
It's dark. CDS is upon us.
by durette November 7, 2016
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A no-CD crack is a modified executable (.exe on Windows) file. It bypasses the CD checking mechanisms, allowing the user to play without inserting a CD. Commonly used on copied (pirated) games

You might also see the tags NO-CD before a name on Counter-Strike. This indicates the server is running the anti-cheat system, "Cheating-Death", but the user is not running it.

Cheating-Death has been discontinued, and is no longer supported (www.unitedadmins.com)
"Damn, I downloaded that new Hitman game, but it's asking for a CD"
"Hold on, let me send you a no-cd crack"

"Because you're not running Cheating-Death"
by Looie February 25, 2008
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Hey man, come out to my car and let's listen to these cd's.

Dude, bring over some cd's tonight and we'll sit around a while.
by Woo July 25, 2003
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A cd has way more bass than an iPod, and cost 300 dollars less.
Fuck your iPod! That shit got no bass. My cd's will own that shit.
by YaggaFragga October 7, 2007
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C (See) Ds (dees) Nuts
Hey CD is looking for you.
CD who?
CDs NUTS Mother Fucker!!
by baby huey September 25, 2003
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To go home. In *nix shells (some of them anyway) the tilde "~" means the home directory (like /usr/home/<your username>/). The cd command means "change directory".
Cartman: Screw you guys, I'm cd ~.
by Romario April 29, 2008
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