To vomit , sneeze , and deficate simultaneously. usually explosive liquid hot magma flavored diarrhea.
How many times did you Tazmanian Bullfrog today?
by daniel macquarrie reeves June 20, 2006
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A euphemism for the sound of a homeless man dry heaving in the distance.
Did you hear that Arcata Bullfrog's call late last night?
Yes, brings a wistful tear to the eye, doesn't it?
by Dovab March 10, 2018
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“Love you Want you Need you,” snivels Patrick in his 14th text message of the day.
“It’s this very bleakiness that turns me off,” sniffs Tinsley. “It’s become an endless drag, a plague – he’s a boiled bullfrog and he’s the last to grasp it.”

A boiled bullfrog!” says heartthrob Benjamin when notified that Arabella refused to accept his bouquet of Equadorian red roses. "First, the Hanky Panky thongs, which I could return, and now this. I never thought I’d see the day when I would play that croaking fool, but Arabella has had me slaving at her feet for months and I will never be free.”
by Hifalutin! February 10, 2022
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When your partner blows into your foreskin creating a pocket of air that looks like a bullfrogs throat.
When having foreplay my wife likes to give me a Texas Bullfrog .
by Joan Wick August 28, 2017
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In a threesome of two women and a man, or woman with a strap on, the man leap frogs over one woman landing on the other woman's face with his penis in her mouth choking her causing an odd croaking sound, like an angry bullfrog.
It is self explanatory. She chokes and sounds like the angry bullfrog.
by Timelord Tater September 14, 2013
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Are Eventually going to take over the world with there Lazar beam vision.Be very cautious when approaching one of these ferocious beasts they will fuck shit up. when you have sex with them they eventually become tamed. so you must achieve the sexytime with these cock suckers.
Violent bullfrogs :
Holy fuck John is that a violent bullfrog. Holy fuck john he has a Gun. Holy fuck john is dead
by i am jesus, christ from 2132 October 5, 2008
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