The partial numbness of the buttocks that results from long car trips. Causes the sensation of your ass being one with the car seat. Named for the Buick line, as the suspension in these and other large sedans tends to amplify the effect.
Bob: You know, after driving for the last four hours, I feel as though I've become one with the car. Is this Zen?

Larry: Nah, it's just Buick butt.
by Justice Walker March 13, 2009
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Person 1: How's lunch today in the cafeteria?
Person 2: ehh, it's buick.
by CTK 88 April 14, 2011
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A nice car which often times has subsequently had all of it's emblems removed for sport.
Fella: That's a nice car. What is it, a Buick Rivera?
Suit Wearing Yup Yup: Ahem, you mean Buick Riviera right?
Fella: Riiight Riv I era...hehehheh
Suit Wearing Yup Yup: Hey come back here with my emblems!!!
by Dahn April 23, 2008
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1: A sweet ass car that has really nice emblems as well. If you own a Buick Rivera without the emblems, we prolly did that shit to it G...daaamn.

2: A misspelled and mispronounced ghetto variation of Buick Riviera.
Emblemer 1: Dude! Check it out I got this sweet CHEYENNE emblem!!!
Emblemer 2: Niiice...But I'm scoping that dank ass Buick Rivera.
Emblemer 1: You mean Buick Riviera right?
Emblemer 2: Yea, exactly. I bet it's got some glossy emblems that we can remove and stick on some Ford Aspires with super glue!!!
by Dahn April 23, 2008
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A compliment given from a female who thinks you have a very thick penis or in other words your junk is the size of a boat
Oh my god baby, you have a Buick dick
by Need one April 6, 2017
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When instead of moving lanes early and waiting in traffic, the driver speeds up in the terminating lane then merges at the last minute, hoping some weak soul will yield. A major source of road rage.
Don’t let him in. That bastard is trying to pull a Buick Bypass
by Red Rexford November 11, 2019
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A sexual act that involves eating a lot of beets, taking a "beet" shit into a condom, putting said condom on and plowing someone while pushing one of their breasts like a car horn and humming "La Cucaracha".
Oh, man. Sandra's a freak! She made me give her a puce buick and she totes orgasmed right at the last note of "La Cucaracha". You know her....she's from the MRMB board. I'm totes stoaked to bone her again!
by jonnyT. June 28, 2006
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