not great

Renee is not great
by Gigantor July 9, 2003
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You are Great
by gmlcks November 23, 2016
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Michael Jordan is the definition of greatness when it comes to basketball.
by Haussi.13 March 18, 2016
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greatness is an acquisition of status by the people who have contributed to an organization, group, or purpose that is greater than themselves. It is defined by the deeds of people that make this world a better place. To provide a purpose to those who have no purpose, and to sustain it, mitigate it from damage, and praise it in any way they can, while still maintaining their own dignity and greatness.
The greatness of man is apparent by its prosperity and conspiracy.
by Erkthecrux November 24, 2009
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that's great

Inherently sarcastic comment, indicating that the person you are responding to should stop speaking.

(early 80s, Northern California)

Synonym: Voot!
A: Well, you know I feel very strongly about how the...

B: that's great.
by Squid Faced Tony December 4, 2004
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A incredibly successful person who is outstanding and caring. He is much smarter than shaw and has level 127 iq. He is often bullied by lower intellectuals who believe he is a furry. But in reality they are jealous of his success and intelligence
Wow he is such a Great
by GR8 Metngs February 25, 2019
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A very sarcastic way of saying NOT GOOD.
"Well, that was just f*cking GREAT!"
by Gr8Samurai May 4, 2005
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