A fragile, old man who has a mind that deteriorates everyday and is simply a puppet for his party.
by Cry Liberals August 7, 2023
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The new hip word for dementia that all the kids are using today
My grandma has Biden, we're probably going to have to put her in a nursing home soon...or we could just put her in the white house and make her be president and watch her be humiliated every day, but no I wouldn't do that to my own grandmother that's cruel. What kind of soul-less person would do something like that to their own family member? Oh wait...
by Cornpop was a bad dude July 25, 2022
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To lose one’s train of thought when relaying a story with one or more person/s. Generally also resulting in the other people listening, to also not remember a thing about the story - can be known as the Double-Biden.

Bidening tends to occur when you have a very important point or the matters discussed are serious to an extent…….annnnnnnd it’s gone!
Burt”: Ohhh guess what I did the other day?
“Austin”: what cunt?
“Burt”:……(has lost puzzled look on face)….awwww fuck….I did a Biden! Fuck!
by SubZeroWins January 1, 2022
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Hair sniffing grampa with hairplugs. The word is synonymous with dimwitted career Dougherty sucking at the teat of government.
Whats wrong with that guy?

Who, the President?
Oh nothing, he just Biden.
by FE517,KOS March 8, 2021
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Someone that is having memory issues or can not recall ideas, facts, or stories correctly.
Tommy just pulled a Biden, he can't remember shit.
by CaptNimrod August 21, 2021
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