4 definitions by FE517,KOS

Hair sniffing grampa with hairplugs. The word is synonymous with dimwitted career Dougherty sucking at the teat of government.
Whats wrong with that guy?

Who, the President?
Oh nothing, he just Biden.
by FE517,KOS March 8, 2021
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A large string or ball of green slime that is expelled from one's schnozz by plugging the other nostril, tilting your head and blowing really hard. The beauty is that no tissue is required if executed properly.
Grampa Joe just honked a huge snot rocket in his soup. Gakkkk
by FE517,KOS September 14, 2020
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A dookie so huge, nobody can believe it came from a human. A bowl-buster.
I had 36 chicken wings yesterday, and today I took a massive gorilla dump. My bad
by FE517,KOS September 14, 2020
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When your brain is shot and you can't think straight. In this condition, your words are garbled, your eyes are vacant, and you might be drooling. Its not good.
Wassup with the President?
Whachoo mean?
Look at Biden.
OMG, he gets DEMENTIA!!
by FE517,KOS March 8, 2021
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