The most honest, hot, and incredible man. He is in the first Incredibles. He always has a camera, and hates dash because he out thumb tacks on his stool. Whenever near this man, never have thumb tacks. Or he will be mad and call you a rat. But still one hell of a guy.
Dash: I never put thumb tacks on your stool.
Bernie: Yes you did!
by DONT BERNIE ME July 25, 2018
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v. (past tense) When someone passes out at a party and gets dressed up like Bernie from the movie "Weekend at Bernies".
"Hey man Jim just passed out!"
"Woah shit! You got the blue blazer and Ray-bans?"
"Check. Dude's gonna get fuckin' Bernied."
by givrpig420 April 4, 2013
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1.To slap a person violently with little or no regard to the standing of that person or in which situation it is done.

It is called the 'bernie' after Bernie Mac, who is one bad mofo.

2. To slap very hard
The president wouldn't shut up so I bernied him.

I bernied my little brother cause he was annoying me.
by BenDover89 May 21, 2008
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bernie; to bernie to ace at sex..
oh man jaysus shamey that bernie aced the full house

shamey: burnie is a roide..
by HANOVERSHOCK October 20, 2010
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Bernies are referred to a group of people within the age demographic of 18- 29 that are very outspoken, educated, and frustrated with the economic current of America today.
Bernie Sanders’s connected with those that were seeking a voice to represent their life experiences and felt that no one understood their hardships. He unmistakably created a movement in American that greatly influenced the political process. According to the Iowa polls, Sanders beat Hillary Clinton 84 percent to 14 percent among Democrats aged 17 to 29.

There became an emergence of an outspoken young person struggling with a great education and little income coming from an economy without jobs. Their voices once silent has grown in volume upon discovering a podium to speak from.
Bernies are now an identifiable group of people speaking with one voice and active at influencing the American way.
Bernies will forever define an age group or young Americans willing to stand and be heard. Bernies have created a cohesion within a certain age demographic that historically existed but without a clean and defining classification beyond that if merely being described as, “Young People”

Bernes are a group, a demographic, of young people between the age of 18 to 29 that grew frustrated and felt disenfranchised from an economy incapable of finding a place for them. With slow economy resulting from 9 years of stagnation and economic growth of less than 2% year over year
This Club is full of Bearnies. The Bernies are planning to have a deminstration this weekend at the park.
by CarizmaGuy November 3, 2016
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To become so drunk you're practically dead.

You are Bernie from "Weekend at Bernie's".
He's Going Bernie!

Uh oh, He's Gone Bernie!

Have you met my old mate Bern?
by JC3 October 17, 2012
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