The name given to the penis of a man who's name starts with a B.
by Rydall October 11, 2007
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The phenomenon of a white male's genitalia being more darkly pigmented than the remainder of his body. As in black-penis, or benis.
Dude #1: Why can't Justin ever keep a girlfriend?
Dude #2: Not sure man, but I've heard he's got a benis.
by Go Hogs! July 27, 2009
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To pull vigerousley on ones penis
Ben is a benis
by Sexual_old_paki March 13, 2003
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Beni, a very irritating and ugly person. They are very special and like children under 5.
Bro that guy is a Beni he is soo annoying
by LOLHADGAMING February 9, 2020
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vagina; inverted penis because a “b” is a flipped p.
My benis is bleeding because i’m on my period.
by pppp22 May 7, 2018
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Short for a friend with whom someone is also having benefits with.
I'm going to call up my benys for some fun tonight.
by Miss-priss11 March 1, 2015
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Some thing not to write on a white board in religion or you will get a zat of referall!!!
by Mr.zatofbenis October 27, 2011
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