Person who walks like a duck because their legs don't touch each other. Weighs approximately 2 pounds on normal days. 1 and 1/2 on skinnier days. Has slept with more than eleven guys in a period of 2 months. Hated by all because of fakeness. Laugh makes you want to hurt a baby. Hair reminds you of a box. Clothes reminds you of a wanna be toddler. The makeup is caked on her face. Face: UGLY.
by YeahYouKnow. November 19, 2010
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An anorexic Asian, is a person(male or female) from or has ancestry from, the continent of Asia that has an eating disorder(called Anorexia nervosa) that makes people lose more weight than is considered healthy for their age and height but it looks normal because they're Asian.
ex. Abby is really cute, even if she's an Anorexic Asian.
by my_name_is_cat September 23, 2013
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a model who starves herself because she is under the illusion that a thin body is seductive and appealing. The lowered blood sugar in her body makes her a miserable person to be around.
I fell in love with Merina Vo but when I met her in person she turned out to be a skinny anorexic bitch.
by Matthew Hughes May 6, 2006
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eric 😐 definitely eric he don’t eat shit but water what does he have for breakfast ice and water anorexic head ass
this foo is anorexic asf
by shawtydontgotthefatty November 1, 2020
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"Wow, they look like a skeleton!"

"They're just anorexic."
by Kermit Le Froge February 3, 2021
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a person who is suffering from anorexia nervosa, a serious mental illness that manifests itself in body image issues and restrictive eating. calling anyone who is skinny anorexic is totally wrong.
- I heard Helen was put in a mental hospital. I wonder why...
- She is anorexic. Her mental health doesn't allow her being in the outside world, she can drop dead at any moment...
by Rusik April 4, 2022
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