when something is really rad or makes you so happy you just want to scream that it's awesome
That wave i just caught was so shock gnarly dank bro!!!
by swagboy15 June 13, 2017
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When sombebody is in so much shock that they littlerally fall out and fucking die when something happens.
Kid: Dude, put your phone up. you know the teacher gon go into septic shock when she see dat shit.

Other Kid: on god that old ass bitch might end up in the fucking hospital.
by batteryaciddeerankles June 4, 2023
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This is when the ground in someone's backyard caves in and they die of the shock of being drowned in their septic tank.
George had been delinquent fixing their septic tank. His grandfather ended falling in and dying when the top collapsed. The cause of death was ruled as septic shock.
by RoughSable May 6, 2023
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the act of unintentionally walking on someone while he is taking a shit
I was just shit shocked by Andrew today.

-that fucking pillock did it again!
by retarded_parrot November 27, 2017
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That feeling of fullness after eating a full order of something at Chipotle.
I felt intense Chipotle Shock after eating a steak burrito and spent half an hour on the shitter.
by TiffanyandCo June 13, 2012
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When you are surprised to find someone has had sex with a man
Wow! I can't believe my ex, Carson, had sex with a man! I'm cock shocked!
by Krystal696969 September 6, 2018
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When someone consciously finds themself past their limit in a social situation but they find the energy to keep going because of social obligations. They often experience extreme fatigue after these moments are over.
The only reason I got through that office holiday party was because of social shock.
by carlthelong August 18, 2023
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