A person who is very inbred.
He cannot control his ADHD.
He will never have a wife so he will turn to his dog
Joel is having a child with a dog
by James is your pro siege player November 8, 2019
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A guy who fishes for complements, makes everything about him And CANT keep a relationship
by Yee yee btch September 2, 2020
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Joel is the name of a guy who never remembers a person’s name. Usually he’ll have an obnoxious voice and talk a lot. These are usually silent laughers as well. Joel’s are some of the dumbest boys you will ever meet. Stay away.
That guy forgot my name….
Lemme guess his name was Joel?
How’d you know
by woelwappa June 18, 2022
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is a very ugly person and is very bad at talking to people and sucks with conversations
u are joel "ugly"
by ur bad at fornite kid June 1, 2022
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Joel is so dumb and just the most annoying person in the whole school. He thinks he's hot shit but he sucks at everything.
"Whos that?"
"Oh that's Joel, the loser"
by ARoche February 5, 2020
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A fucking nutsack who is high af all the time. Probably the type of person to dry his sweat under the sun and the person who looks up and down before crossing the street
by urmomgay369 January 29, 2022
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Joel is the main villain of the world he wants to destroy the world

If you ever meet a Joel he sure is you scariest nightmare
Joel is defined as a villain
by mmogameu November 23, 2021
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