Cunningham curse is ; Charm , charisma , confidence & sprinkle some sex appeal in to cause the opposite sex to lose they damn mind at the thought of being around or inside of them . Blessing when under the influence & a curse when fun is all done .
Girl you acting thirsty as hell , checking your phone , peeping out the window like you under a dick trance , naw it's Cunningham curse his niece was warning u bout !
by Han $olo September 8, 2023
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Someone who is cursed with eternal life until they figure out how to fix something they caused eons ago.
Dude you know that old man who lives up the road, Some say he has The Curse of the Lorax, Bro been alive since 1776.
by Big_Bongo June 25, 2023
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Great men who can’t finish after an evening of lots of grog and die young
“Hey man aren’t you worried he might get that girl pregnant?”
“Nah, hes got the montovano curse
by Marold Sapuski January 12, 2022
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A curse of where people you love, like, are like family to you, or are your best friends move away either literally or spiritually.
My boyfriend Daniel is moving away, I hate my Rachel's Curse.
by Dustywhisker October 1, 2013
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A Charizard that knows Solar Beam and Thunder (FALCON...) Punch. Or at the very as odd as the Charizard.
Man, that fire lizard sure is cursed.
by PokéLordtheCringe32 March 14, 2022
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'We collectively have cursed energy' Kate Reeson 2K18
by shrekislove_shrekislife December 18, 2018
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The definition of cursed is Mihal, not much used in regular speech, but only in Cursed crew.
Can be used in context such as pedophilia and pervertism.
by Marty xdd March 9, 2020
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