It’s a person who doesn’t speak up when they have the chance to make a change, but then complains about the outcome after the fact.
Mom #1 : I hate the new soccer coach, he is awful.
Mom # 2: Well, you had the chance to speak up at a school board meeting. You are the definition of a Shit-Cricket
by Macon P. March 5, 2023
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Sexually transmitted "crabs"
Man, I've got a roaring case of pocket crickets again!
by JP1969 December 27, 2007
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a person who holds much knowledge outside and inside games
Wow did you see that? That was so cricketely of them!
by High Boss December 10, 2020
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Your just shit at cricket and should give up
U r a nuffie at cricket just go play B's
by Barnt2018 February 8, 2016
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A moron who blocks people on Twitter for no reason.
Person 1: Oh, did Hazel Cricket block you again?
Person 2: Yes. :(
by Jorisera Jd May 30, 2021
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Another name for girlfriend or spouse also related to a mud cricket. Probably what they grow up to be.
by Salty captain May 24, 2021
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Robbie C Jones, Bats 9 Bearly bowls as a 7th former in a young team. Used to have promise but that is long gone due to him being whipped to the miss for over a year now. Gets called down to training as VC and bowls 3 balls in 3 hours and doesn't bat but is still happy to command the troupes in the field due to his love affair with the old and wise.
Robbie ya fucking stiff. Fuck u love cricket cunt. Fucking cricket stiff
by RCJ,GB February 2, 2021
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