When a monkey looked at the world, and realized that some things are things, and some things are not things.
The emergence of pre-er modernism was so radical that it caused a poop-flinging war that has raged through the ages and now goes by the name "philosophy".
by PoonForce2 February 19, 2010
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Normal person "Aw, i just found out Music was made this year"
CF-er "Woah, I think I've heard Music before this year"
by Slommius December 10, 2021
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One who butts in to other peoples conversations, or tasks. Partaking in another persons task, or life goal. Stealing.

Jessica was completing the closing tasks at work when her co-worker came over and started completing the tasks for her. Jessica turned to him and said:

"Hey! Quit being an IN BUTT-ER!"

by Quiz Ones April 25, 2009
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